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You are here to support the independent spirit. You are equally obsessed with fashion, beauty, film and great television. Nostalgia is your best friend, but you are also up on everything current. There is no reference in the pop culture world that you don’t understand and you love a great cocktail of high art/low art at the end of a hard working day involving your creative wild imagination. I’m on a mission to unite all of us misfits who take the art of pop culture seriously. Let’s do this.

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Right now, I don’t have tiers… I’m just having fun so regardless of your subscription, you will all be receiving the same treats, but feel free to donate at the different tiers to add fuel to the creative fire, and rest assured… benefits to different tiers are forthcoming.

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Subscribe to Look Behind The Look's Substack from Tiffany Bartok

Look Behind The Look's DVD Extras. All those substacky things from Tiffany like special episodes, musings about pop culture, film, and beauty.


Makeup and Movies 💋🎬 Host of Look Behind the Look Podcast a fun look into the creatives behind all your favorite film, shows, music and fashion